$ more FileSystemState.dot
digraph FileSystemState {
node [shape=circle,height=1.2,width=1.2,fixedsize=true]
edge [style=solid,color=red];
/* root should be Unmounted, but Mounted looks better. */
"Mounted" [root=true]
"Unmounted" -> "Mounted" [label="mount",weight=0.85]
"Mounted" -> "Unmounted" [label="unmount"]
"Mounted" -> "Frozen" [label="freeze"]
"Mounted" -> "Paused" [label="pause"]
"Mounted" -> "Mounted" [label="modifyMount"]
"Frozen" -> "Mounted" [label="thaw"]
"Frozen" -> "Unmounted" [label="unmount"]
"Paused" -> "Mounted" [label="resume"]
"Paused" -> "Unmounted" [label="unmount"]
$ more Windows.dot
digraph Windows {
edge [style=solid,color=red];
"C:" -> "CONFIG.SYS"
"AUTOEXEC.BAT" [shape=box,label="DOS file",color=yellow,style=filled];
"CONFIG.SYS" [shape=box,label="DOS file",color=yellow,style=filled];
"C:" -> "Document and Settings"
"C:" -> "Drivers"
"C:" -> "Program Files"
"C:" -> "Windows"
"Document and Settings" -> "Administrator"
"Document and Settings" -> "All Users"
"Document and Settings" -> "tom"
"tom" -> "Desktop"
"tom" -> "Favorites"
"tom" -> "My Documents"
"tom" -> "Start Menu"
"Desktop" -> "My Computer"
"Desktop" -> "My Document"
"Desktop" -> "Recycle Bin"
"Desktop" -> "tom.png"
"tom.png" [shape=box,label="Thomas's photo",color=red,style=filled];
"Desktop" -> "chess.pgn"
"chess.pgn" [shape=box,label="Master's game",color=green,style=filled];
$ more go.cmd
@echo off
set files=FileSystemState Windows
for %%x in (%files%) do dot -Nfontname=simsun -T png -o %%x.png %%x.dot
Written on June 1, 2011