Quick reference for Fedora Core 13's installation on VMware 6.5


Quick reference for Fedora Core 13’s installation on VMware 6.5  

2010/9/20 17:09:40 VMware Tools hints
2010/9/20 13:51:44 fc13
2009-10-3 16:43:31 fc11
1. make default user autologon.

1) fc10/fc11
Setting up Fedora 10 to log into our account automatically is very easy.
You simply need to append a few lines to the file called custom.conf
located in the /etc/gdm/ directory. Now, open the above mentioned file
in a text-editor like gedit or kedit, and append these lines:

2) fc13
vim /etc/gdm/gdm.schemas
<default>false</default>  设为 true.如 <default> true </default>
<default></default>  设置用户名,如 <default>your-user-name</defaults>


1.vi /etc/pam.d/gdm 2.注释其中的一行

auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet


vi /etc/pam.d/gdm-password


auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet

这一步不用也可以,不过只能自动登录root, 不能手工登录

$ sudo vi /etc/sudoers

VMware Tools

  1. add: #define VMW_HAVE_EPOLL  1
  2. not all of the functions are ok. At least we can Copy/Paste    between the host and the guest now.

LVM stuff - system-config-lvm is better than CLI.

1. create a new hard disk using VMware's menu "VM".
2. run lvs to display the volume group names.
   # lvs
3. # pvcreate /dev/sdc1      #(or /dev/sdb)
4. # vgextend VolGroup /dev/sdc1    #(Volume name differs in fc13)
5. # lvextend VolGroup/lv_root /dev/sdc1
6. # lvs
7. # resize2fs -p /dev/VolGroup/lv_root
8. # df
*. ref:[http://sxzx.360doc.com/content/090413/11/36491_3114684.html](http://sxzx.360doc.com/content/090413/11/36491_3114684.html)

I had to add more swap for 11gR2 (fc13).

1. # lvs
2. # pvcreate /dev/sdc
3. # vgextend vg_xxxx /dev/sdc
4. # lvextend vg_xxxx /dev/sdc
5. # lvs
6. # mkswap /dev/mapper/...

*. swap does not need resize2fs.

Yum stuff

1. $ sudo yum install samba samba-client system-config-samba
   1) samba service's name is smb.
   2) service smb start
2. $ sudo yum install system-config-lvm

How to share files

1. VM->Settings->Share folders. Automount to /mnt/hgfs in guest OS.
2. $ smbclient //host/c$ -U x
3. Use ssh/ftp client to visit guest OS.


[ Linux , VM ]
Written on September 21, 2010