Visual Studio Code Remote SSH

This is a sad story. Someone removed my home dir on the development rig, and I have to start from the scratch. Creating a new home dir, git cloning the repository are easy. But recover the .bash_profile/.bashrc and cheetsheet are troublesome. Finally, the job is almost done, but I found that VSCode have to be reinstalled, too. That’s because I use VSCode remote on Windows.

After struggling for about an hour, everything looks fine, and I start to write down the steps. First thing first, every extensions in VSCode should be reinstalled for VSCode remote, including C/C++, CMake, Hex Editor, IntelliCode, GitLens, etc.

To make remote ssh work, see the following steps.

  1. Install OpenSSH Client from Microsoft.

    We can install OpenSSH Client using the GUI or the PowerShell command:

    # Install the OpenSSH Client
    PowerShell> Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~
  2. Verify the commands are there.

    C:\Users\zedware> which ssh
    C:\Users\zedware> which ssh-keygen
  3. Generate ssh key.

    C:\Users\zedware> ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

    The files are under C:\Users\zedware\.ssh\.

  4. Edit .ssh\config.

    # Read more about SSH config files:
        User zedware
        IdentityFile C:\Users\zedware\.ssh\id_ed25519

    The IdentityFile should be the private key, instead of the public one. I happened to use the public key, and ssh or VSCode will complaining that the file is in invalid format.

  5. Copy id to remote server and try ssh into it.

    wsl$ ssh-copy-id -i /mnt/c/Users/zedware/.ssh/ zedware@
    C:\Users\zedware> ssh -i C:\Users\zedware\.ssh\ zedware@

    If there are any errors, ssh -v -v -v can print debug information.

  6. Config remote ssh in VSCode.

    Settings -> Remote - SSH

Happpy coding!

[ vscode ]
Written on November 22, 2022